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Registration Fee : 300 ( Team of 2 )
First Prize : 1500
Second Prize : 750
Attention Debaters,
When it comes to an intense fight of ideas and view points it's eighter "Fight or Flight". Come join us and defend what you believe.
Debate Rules and Regulations
1. Contestants can speak either Malayalam or English, whichever the one they feel comfortable to use.
2. A teams must consist of two people.
3. Registration fee (for a team of two) for the event will be INR 300.
4. First prize will be INR 1500.
5. Second prize will be INR 750.
6. During the debate a person will not be allowed to talk continuously for more than 2 minutes at a single stretch.
7. Any kind of personal assaults or insults aimed at fellow contestants will lead to immediate disqualification.
8. While a person is talking no one else will be allowed to cut them in the middle of their sentences.
9. Contestants who wish to speak next or want to oppose the statements of the current speaker should raise their hands and wait for their turn.
10. Moderator controls the dais His/her decisions will be final.
11. The organizers reserve every right to change, remove or add any rules and regulations as they seem fit throughout the entire event.
Contact : Akshay - 97472 05711, Aswathy - 62382 29957